

UI Design
UX Design


A dynamic branding transformation of the gelato + sorbetto brand, Talenti. As a team, we developed a new logo. I created the new Website + Social Media branding campaign for Talenti's new branding.

Talenti is a gelato & sorbetto brand founded in 2003 by Argentinian native Josh Hochschuler, rooted in crafting Old World style gelatos and sorbettos. Talenti prides themselves in quality, using only the highest quality of ingredients from all over the world.

To create a rebrand that emphasizes Talenti’s good intentions, attention to quality of gelato & quality of life, and allow consumers to be more in touch with themselves through Talenti.


Isolation, most of the time is considered a negative experience and can cause people to feel anxious and overwhelmed with the thought of being alone.


Talenti’s rebranding embodies the idea of familiarity and the positive experiences people have in solitude, using serene motifs to emphasize this idea.

my role

Copywriter & UI Designer


4 months, 2020


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects


Narayani Leonardo
Jeonghyun Park

empathy interviews

I performed empathy interviews in order to get an insight into the thoughts and feelings of people. This way I can take human psychology into account when creating the brand made for people. I asked people a series of questions, and they told their stories, feelings, and experiences. I gathered data and information from their answers and non-verbal cues like their facial expressions and body language.

"how do you feel when you eat ice cream?"
"what was your first experience with ice cream?"
"in what instance would you eat ice cream?"

the big ideal

For Talenti, the world would be a better place if people can embrace a new found freedom with moments of peace and self-reflection.

brand archetype

The Sage:
One of wisdom, knowledge, and power;
a seeker of truth

brand mantra

Transparent gelato for standard lives.

brand positioning

To wholesome, simple-living, self-improvers, who are feeling overwhelmed and fearful because of isolation, Talenti is the effortless gelato brand, that wholeheartedly uses simple and resourceful ingredients, so you can enjoy the new found moments of peace and self-reflection.

brand personality

EMPATHETIC: We value the freedom to self-reflect and enjoy the special moments

HUMBLE: We appreciate being the standard for gelato

CLASSIC: We provide familiarity and particularity

PEACEFUL: We deliver gelato that’s effortless, pleasant, and soothing

dynamic logos

The various diverse flavors of Talenti are represented with printing press style ingredient imagery. This ties back to the artisanal, yet traditional way of Talenti's practices for appreciating a better quality of life.


immersive installation store experience

The immersive experience brings to life the social media ad campaign, #gelatopersonalized, where Talenti opens up a pop-up shop in the New York City area to experience getting a personalized jar of Talenti. A pop-up shop can give the target audience a first-hand experience of Talenti as a brand. The shop creates a more individualized experience that one might not get from picking up Talenti at the supermarket. Customers are to answer questions on a kiosk that are based on mood and preferences to receive a personal jar of Talenti. They will then receive a small detail explaining the jar and the “personality” of the jar, as well as the key ingredients that is used.

website key feature & social media

At Talenti, we care about our gelato lovers’ well-being and emphasize the importance of self reflection during a time of isolation. The social media campaign consists of a Gelato Personalized menu on our website that provides a series of three quizzes for consumers to find their personalized gelato. Each quiz, Mood Quiz, Personality Quiz I, Personality Quiz II, is intended to allow consumers to find the gelato flavor that best suits their mood or personality. Upon completing the quizzes, consumers are then encouraged to purchase
their matched flavor, in which they will also receive a Talenti tote bag filled with sustainable goodies. Consumers are encouraged to post their personalized gelato on social media with #gelatopersonalized, tagging Talenti, and inspiring others to do the same.

digital subway billboard

Digital billboards will advertise Talenti in busy subway stations with an animated story.
Story: Mom tries to stop her child from crying by giving them items the child might like, but the child keeps crying because those are not what they want. Once mom gives the child Talenti, the child stops crying. Talenti was the only thing that can stop the child from crying because it is a brand that changes someone’s mood.

Brand book

view brand book


Created functional, creative experience for users on the website and turn a brand into something emotional, a brand that people can go to during tough times.